Frequently Asked Questions.
The time it takes to install an evaporative cooler can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the installation, the skill level of the installer, and the specific type and model of the cooler. However, a typical installation of a residential evaporative cooler can take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours.
We operate all around Melbourne & Shepparton! If you need a evaporative cooling service, replacement or new installation get in contact with us and we can help!
Yes, EvapWorld can provide guidance and information on replacing your evaporative cooling system. We will pick the best suited evaporative cooling unit for your living conditions.
To get an accurate estimate of the cost for an evaporative cooler that suits your needs, it’s recommended to shop around, compare prices from different retailers and manufacturers, and consider factors like warranty and energy efficiency. Additionally, if you plan to install a whole-house unit or have it professionally installed, obtaining quotes from local HVAC professionals can give you a better idea of the total cost of ownership.
Choosing the best evaporative cooling unit for your needs depends on several factors, including your climate, the size of the area you want to cool, your budget, and any specific features or requirements you have.